3 Ways to Get Better Sleep

As someone who has had insomnia their whole life, I know the struggles of lacking sleep.

How many nights can we realistically scroll on IG or stare at the ceiling before we begin getting quality sleep?

I have also taken so many different types of medication for sleep and……

I hated them all. 

I cannot stand when I take a pill to help me with one thing and it causes 5 other things to come into play that I don’t need. (Enter medication commercials with their list of side effects)

I am sure you feel me on this. *LE SIGH*

So I am giving you three of the things that work the best for me. I have been sleeping pretty well since implementing these rituals. 

Little to no effort also, which for someone with ADHD, is crucial!

Elevate Your Dreams with Legs Up the Wall

Legs Up the Wall is a pose that turns the tables on gravity and invites relaxation to wash over you. Straight magic for your circulatory system and pain in the body. .

Some benefits include:

Calming the Nervous System

This gentle inversion sends a wave of calmness through your nervous system, helping to soothe anxiety and stress accumulated throughout the day.

Enhance Blood Flow

Elevating your legs assists blood circulation, encouraging the return of blood to your heart and providing a natural boost to your overall well-being.

Quiets the Mind

As your body relaxes, your mind follows suit, leaving behind the chaos of the day and ushering in a serene stillness.

How to do it: You will need a wall. Simply lie on your back with your hips as close to the wall as possible, lie on one side and take both legs up the wall, .Close the space between your glutes and the wall, and extend your legs upward, allowing them to lean against the wall. 

Drift Away with Yoga Nidra

Have you ever wished for a magical elixir that could whisk you into a world of deep relaxation? Look no further than Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation that takes you on a journey of conscious sleep. Lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and let the soothing voice of the guide lead you through layers of consciousness. 

Some Benefits Include:

Reduces Insomnia

Yoga Nidra has been shown to alleviate insomnia by guiding your mind into a state of tranquility, melting away the barriers to peaceful slumber.

Release Tension

 As you journey through different parts of your body, you'll gradually release pent-up physical and mental tension, paving the way for restful sleep.

Enhance Mindfulness

This practice cultivates a heightened awareness of the present moment, granting you the power to detach from worries and anxieties that often keep you awake.

How to do it: You will need headphones or a speaker nearby. I use Insight TImer for this, (there is a free version) and my favorite teacher is Saqib Rizvi. Choose one that speaks to you the most, and follow the guidance of the meditation. You’ll be asleep before it is over.

Embrace the Night with Dim lights

Picture this: a serene cocoon of darkness, enveloping you in it's comforting embrace as you close out your day. Creating an environment of dim lighting, or even better, eliminating all sources of light, signals to your body that it's time to unwind and prepare for rest.

This is something that I am borrowing from childhood, and I was shocked at how much of a difference it made. 

Some benefits Include:

Circadian Rhythm Harmony

Dim lighting mimics the natural progression of sunlight, signaling your body to produce melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone.

Enhanced Relaxation

By reducing exposure to bright lights, you create a tranquil ambiance that encourages relaxation and soothes your mind into a state of calmness.

Deeper Sleep

Eliminating light sources minimizes disturbances, allowing you to slip into the deeper stages of sleep, where your body rejuvenates and repairs itself.

How to do it: If you have a lot of lighting and prefer some sort of light while you sleep, leave on the light farthest away from you. Another option is to use candlelight (flameless battery powered only - stay safe) sporadically around your bedroom. Otherwise you can cover your window with darker shades and keep the room dark. 

I write this in hopes that these three enchanting practices will lead you by the hand, guiding you towards the shores of peaceful sleep. Whether you find solace in Legs Up the Wall, the serenity of Yoga Nidra, or the embrace of dim lighting, I truly hope you start sleeping well. . Embrace them, and let the lullaby of deep slumber embrace you night after night. Sweet dreams! 🌙✨

Inga - The Yoga Goddess

Inga found her passion for yoga and fitness while battling her own depression, obesity, and anxiety.

In 2007, a heart attack brought her health to he forefront of importance.

She started practicing yoga to lose weight.

Combining power lifting and yoga led to her getting sober & losing 100 lbs.in one year, she decided to pursue a career in teaching yoga.

Her first training was in 2015 with the Yoga Institute in Houston TX. She went on to continue her education and expand knowledge, becoming certified in a multitude of yoga styles and formats. These include ButiYoga, Yin, Restorative, Yoga Nidra, Creative Vinyasa, and more.

She went on to incorporate sound healing meditation experiences into her classes, helping others to meditate with ease. In 2016, she added reiki (energy healing) to her education, becoming a reiki master in 2018.

When you attend Inga’s class, you can expect an immersive experience. Her goal is to help others disconnect from their everyday challenges, deepening connection to self. You’ll enter an inclusive space that cultivates meditation, mindfulness, and compassion. You will leave feeling rejuvenated, alive, and ready to take on anything.


The Power of OM